Safety in Laboratory Design and Planning

In recent years, the importance of laboratory safety has come to the forefront of scientific research and development. Laboratories can contain a wide range of hazardous materials, equipment, and chemicals, making it essential that the laboratory design is effective in promoting safety. This is why laboratory safety is considered an essential component of laboratory design and planning.  

The safety of laboratory workers and visitors is of the utmost importance. Laboratories can contain hazardous chemicals, equipment, and conditions that can pose serious risks to human health and safety. This is why laboratory safety regulations are in place to minimize the risks of accidents, injuries, and illnesses in the laboratory.  

The laboratory design plays an important role in promoting safety in the laboratory. The design of the laboratory must consider the type of research or experiments being performed, the presence of hazardous materials and conditions, and the movement of people and materials. Effective laboratory design can minimize the risks of accidents and injuries in the laboratory by promoting proper layout and organization, efficient and safe movement of people and materials, and ergonomic and comfortable conditions.  

The purpose of this blog is to provide an overview of the role of laboratory design in promoting safety. We will examine the key features of a safe laboratory design and the considerations that should be made when designing and planning a laboratory. 

Understanding Laboratory Safety  

Overview of Laboratory Safety Regulations 

Laboratory safety regulations are designed to protect laboratory workers and visitors from the potential hazards of laboratory work. These regulations are designed to minimize the risk of accidents and illnesses, and are often developed by organizations such as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in the United States. 

Types of Laboratory Hazards 

Laboratories can contain a wide range of hazards, including chemicals, equipment, and conditions that can pose risks to human health and safety. Some common laboratory hazards include hazardous chemicals, biological materials, physical hazards, and ergonomic hazards. It is essential that laboratory workers are aware of the potential hazards and take the necessary precautions to minimize their risk of exposure. 

Importance of Risk Assessment and Safety Management 

Risk assessment is a critical component of laboratory safety. The process of risk assessment involves identifying and evaluating the potential hazards in the laboratory, and taking steps to minimize the risks. The risk assessment process helps to ensure that laboratory workers and visitors are protected from the potential hazards of laboratory work. 

The Role of Laboratory Design in Promoting Safety  

Proper Layout and Organization 

The layout and organization of the laboratory plays a critical role in promoting safety. Effective laboratory design must consider the type of research or experiments being performed, the presence of hazardous materials and conditions, and the movement of people and materials. The laboratory must be designed to promote efficient and safe movement, with adequate space for people and materials, and clearly defined pathways for movement. 

Efficient and Safe Movement of People and Materials 

The movement of people and materials in the laboratory must be efficient and safe. The laboratory must be designed to promote safe movement, with clearly defined pathways, adequate space, and proper organization. The laboratory must also be designed to minimize the risk of collisions between people and materials, and to minimize the risk of accidents and injuries. 

Designing for Ergonomics and Comfort 

Ergonomics and comfort are essential components of laboratory design. Laboratories must be designed to promote comfort and minimize the risk of ergonomic injuries, such as repetitive strain injuries. This includes providing adequate space, comfortable lighting, and proper ventilation, as well as promoting proper posture and movement. 

Key Features of a Safe Laboratory Design  

Adequate ventilation and air quality 

One of the most important features of a safe laboratory design is adequate ventilation. Proper ventilation helps to reduce the risk of exposure to hazardous chemicals and biological agents and ensures that air quality is maintained at a safe level. In addition, an adequate ventilation system helps to minimize the risk of fire by removing flammable and toxic fumes. 

Proper storage of hazardous materials 

Hazardous materials are a common part of many laboratory experiments, and it’s crucial to have proper storage in place to minimize the risk of accidents and contamination. Safe storage of hazardous materials includes using the right type of containers, labeling, and proper placement to minimize the risk of spillage or exposure. 

Fire safety and emergency response systems 

In the event of a fire or emergency, a laboratory design must include fire safety and emergency response systems. This can include fire alarms, smoke detectors, fire suppression systems, and emergency exits. It’s also important to ensure that all laboratory workers are familiar with the location and operation of emergency equipment and procedures. 

Considerations for Laboratory Design and Planning  

Budget and available resources 

When planning and designing a laboratory, budget and available resources are important considerations. It’s important to allocate sufficient resources for laboratory design and planning to ensure that all key features and considerations, such as ventilation and emergency response systems, are included. 

Type of research or experiments performed 

The type of research or experiments performed in a laboratory can also influence the design of the laboratory. For example, a laboratory performing experiments with hazardous chemicals may require different design features than a laboratory conducting purely observational research. 

Compliance with regulations and standards 

Finally, compliance with regulations and standards is an important consideration in laboratory design and planning. This includes adhering to local, state, and federal regulations as well as industry standards for laboratory safety. 


Laboratory safety is essential to ensure that laboratory workers and the surrounding environment are protected from hazardous materials and conditions. The role of laboratory design in promoting safety cannot be overstated, as proper design and planning can help to minimize the risk of accidents and ensure that the laboratory environment is safe for all those involved.  

It’s important for laboratory managers and designers to prioritize safety in their planning and design processes. This includes considering all aspects of laboratory safety, including ventilation, storage of hazardous materials, and emergency response systems, and allocating sufficient resources to ensure that safety features are implemented.  

In conclusion, laboratory design plays a crucial role in promoting a safe laboratory environment. By prioritizing safety in the design and planning process, laboratory managers can ensure that their laboratories are designed and equipped to minimize the risk of accidents and protect those working in the laboratory. 

Kewaunee, the global leader in total laboratory solutions, empowers organisations to achieve competitive advantage through safe, efficient, and contemporary laboratories. In existence since 1906, Kewaunee powers the laboratories for over 5,000 customers in more than 100 countries.

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