IGBC/Green Building For Labs How Are They Classified

Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) Green Factory Buildings is a rating program instituted for industries within India. It’s a voluntary program and is rated based on certain categories that contribute to the overall savings in terms of energy and conservation. 

The expected energy savings is between 30-40% and the expected water savings is between 20-30%. In this infographic, we’ll look at the different categories under which the IGBC rating system is based on and how each of them is warranted towards a specific purpose.

Categories Purpose Characterisation
Site Selection & Panning To ensure that the building is in line with regulatory standards
  • Things to consider: Soil erosion, prevention & control; contaminated site remediation; access to transport; basic amenities; topography of the land; heat island effect, disability proof; non-fossil fueling ability; night sky pollution reduction
Water Conservation To ensure that water within the area is conserved as much as possible
  • Thing to consider: Rainwater harvesting; low flow water fixtures; limit turf area; drought tolerant species; irrigation system; wastewater treatment
Energy Conservation Avoid use of CFC refrigerants and ozone depleting gases
  • Things to consider: Ensure minimum energy performance; HCFC free/ low impact equipment; optimise energy performance; on-stie renewable energy; green power; eco-friendly power generation
Material Conservation Ensure effective waste management, recycling and safe disposal
  • Things to consider: Waste reduction during construction; using recycled content; use of local materials & reusable materials; certified rapidly renewing building materials
Indoor Environment Quality and Occupational Health Minimise exposure of non-smokers to passive smoking post occupancy
  • Things to consider: Minimum fresh air requirements (as specified); avoid use of asbestos; improved fresh air ventilation; building flush out; day lighting; low VOC materials; eco-friendly housekeeping materials; aerobic & cardiovascular gym
Innovation & Design Process Encouragement to build better green buildings
  • To give the opportunity to design team to be awarded points for exceptional building performance (ID Credit 1.1 – 1.4)
  • Encourage involvement of IGBC AP credited professionals (ID Credit 1.5)

Source: IGBC Green Factory Building Rating System Version 1.0 (IGBC)

Kewaunee, the global leader in total laboratory solutions, empowers organisations to achieve competitive advantage through safe, efficient, and contemporary laboratories. In existence since 1906, Kewaunee powers the laboratories for over 5,000 customers in more than 100 countries.

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