High Quality Lab Fixtures And Fittings

Lab fixtures and fittings are an essential component of any laboratory space, providing the necessary infrastructure for experiments and research to take place.   

However, not all lab fixtures and fittings are created equal. Using high-quality fixtures and fittings can have a significant impact on the functionality, safety, and efficiency of a laboratory.   

In this blog, we will discuss the importance of using high-quality lab fixtures and fittings, the different types of lab fixtures and fittings available, considerations when selecting lab fixtures and fittings, the impact of high-quality lab fixtures and fittings, how to choose a reputable supplier, and the importance of proper research and selection when choosing lab fixtures and fittings. 


Lab fixtures and fittings are an essential component of any laboratory space, providing the necessary infrastructure for experiments and research to take place.  

Using high-quality fixtures and fittings can have a significant impact on the functionality, safety, and efficiency of a laboratory.  

Using low-quality lab fixtures and fittings can lead to decreased functionality, increased safety risks, and higher maintenance costs. 

Types of lab fixtures and fittings  

OSHA standards: OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) sets standards for the safety and health of workers in the United States.  

NFPA standards: NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) sets standards for fire safety in the United States.  

Local building codes: Local building codes set standards for the design and construction of buildings, including laboratories, in a specific area. It is important to ensure compliance with all applicable safety and regulatory standards in the design and construction of a laboratory. 

Laboratory Design and Layout  

  • Cabinetry and countertops: Cabinetry and countertops provide storage and workspace in the laboratory. 
  • Sinks and plumbing fixtures: Sinks and plumbing fixtures are necessary for cleaning and experimentation in the laboratory. 
  • Lighting fixtures: Lighting fixtures provide the necessary illumination for the laboratory. 
  • Electrical fixtures and outlets: Electrical fixtures and outlets provide power for laboratory equipment and devices. 
  • Safety shower and eye wash stations: Safety shower and eye wash stations provide emergency equipment in case of accidents. 
  • Laboratory casework and workstations: Laboratory casework and workstations provide additional storage and workspace for laboratory equipment and materials. 

Selecting lab fixtures and fittings  

Durability and longevity 

Durability and longevity are crucial when selecting lab fixtures and fittings as they need to withstand the wear and tear of frequent use and experimentation. 

Chemical resistance 

The materials used in lab fixtures and fittings need to be able to resist chemical exposure and corrosion to ensure their longevity and safety.

Compliance with safety and regulatory standards 

It is important to ensure that the lab fixtures and fittings comply with all relevant safety and regulatory standards, such as OSHA and NFPA, to minimize the risk of accidents and injuries.

Ease of maintenance and cleaning 

The lab fixtures and fittings should be easy to maintain and clean to ensure the safety and hygiene of the laboratory environment.

Energy efficiency 

Energy efficiency is an important consideration when selecting lab fixtures and fittings as it can help to reduce operating costs and minimize the laboratory’s impact on the environment. 

Compatibility with other lab equipment and materials 

The lab fixtures and fittings should be compatible with other equipment and materials used in the laboratory to ensure seamless integration and functionality. 

High-quality lab fixtures and fittings  

Improved functionality and efficiency 

High-quality lab fixtures and fittings can improve the functionality and efficiency of the laboratory by providing better storage, workspace, and lighting.  

Enhanced safety and compliance 

High-quality lab fixtures and fittings can enhance safety and compliance by reducing the risk of accidents and injuries and ensuring compliance with relevant safety and regulatory standards.

Extended lifespan and cost savings 

High-quality lab fixtures and fittings can have a longer lifespan and require less maintenance, resulting in cost savings over time. 

Improved air quality and ventilation 

High-quality lab fixtures and fittings can improve air quality and ventilation, reducing the risk of respiratory problems and other health hazards.  

Enhanced ergonomics and comfort for lab workers 

High-quality lab fixtures and fittings can enhance ergonomics and comfort for lab workers by providing better lighting, workspace, and ventilation.

Choosing a reputable supplier  

  • Research and reputation: It is important to research the reputation and track record of the supplier to ensure they provide high-quality lab fixtures and fittings and have a good reputation in the industry. 
  • Quality of products and customer service: The supplier should provide high-quality lab fixtures and fittings and have a good customer service to assist with any queries or issues. 
  • Compliance with safety and regulatory standards: The supplier should ensure that their lab fixtures and fittings comply with all relevant safety and regulatory standards. 
  • Track record of successful installations and customer satisfaction: The supplier should have a track record of successful installations and positive feedback from satisfied customers to ensure they have the experience and expertise to provide quality products and services. 


High-quality lab fixtures and fittings can improve the functionality, safety, and efficiency of a laboratory and have a positive impact on the longevity, cost savings, and overall laboratory environment.  

Proper research and selection of lab fixtures and fittings is crucial to ensure the laboratory functions effectively and efficiently, and meets all relevant safety and regulatory standards.  

Laboratory managers and designers should prioritize the use of high-quality lab fixtures and fittings to ensure a safe, efficient, and functional laboratory environment.  

In conclusion, it’s crucial to invest in high-quality lab fixtures and fittings, not only to ensure safety and compliance but also to make the laboratory environment more efficient and comfortable for lab workers. It’s important to do proper research and select a reputable supplier who can provide high-quality products and services. Proper design and selection of lab fixtures and fittings can make all the difference when it comes to creating a functional and efficient laboratory space. 

Kewaunee, the global leader in total laboratory solutions, empowers organisations to achieve competitive advantage through safe, efficient, and contemporary laboratories. In existence since 1906, Kewaunee powers the laboratories for over 5,000 customers in more than 100 countries.

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